The Korean War History Website will help the younger generations understand the history of the Korean War, including events happening before the war and also postwar with interactive images, through interactive learning. These images will be embedded with hover animations that contain facts and links to more sources and/or popups, allowing the user to learn both through writing and imagery. The website will be laid out in a horizontal animation form, where the images and pages move from left to right rather than up and down. This will convey the illusion of moving in time much like a timeline allowing the user to better understand the occurrence of events as they learn them. The use of a menu will be in the form of a timeline at the bottom with different points of significance that the user can hover over to see details and then click to go to its respective page. This will allow the user to have a faster way to move through the timeline than just scrolling or clicking. Also provides an interactive menu for the user.
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